Read about how a Kenyan teacher has introduced Story Massage to a kindergarten within a charity school in Nairobi. Key benefits are relaxation, fun and learning.
Story Massage Programme blog
Interactive Story Time at Local Libraries
We talk to Alison Mitchell Sellers about sharing the Story Massage Programme in libraries as part of Storytime sessions for families.
The Story Massage Programme Helps Ease Exam Stress
Help pupils cope with exam stress but sharing a massage story written by a teacher to aid concentration and relaxation in preparation for the exam.
Sharing the Story Massage Programme with Refugee Children
Working with refugee children brings many challenges including language barriers and poor concentration. Read Mary’s positive experiences at a refugee camp.
Story Massage Programme for Adults with PMLD at a Day Service
Centre of Excellence awarded to Staffordshire Complex Needs Service working with adults with PMLD. Follow their 10 step advice for implementing the programme within a day service.
The Diversity of the Story Massage Programme
We look at how 14 different Story Massage practitioners are sharing the programme in very different settings for children and adults.
Story Massage and the Literacy Curriculum
The Story Massage Programme helps improve expressive language and encourage a wider vocabulary. Here is a report from a school in Ireland.