Pupils from a Montrose primary school are sharing the Story Massage Programme with residents with dementia in a care home as part of social skills lessons.
Story Massage Programme blog
Coping with Divorce – a Massage Story for Children
This beautiful massage story was written by a grandmother to help her granddaughter cope with difficult feelings around her parents’ divorce.
Benefits of Story Massage for Babies
Many Story Massage Instructors are running successful classes sharing the Story Massage Programme with families. Parents and their babies are enjoying physical, social and emotional benefits.
Benefits of the Story Massage Programme for Nurture Groups
“It is one of the best training days that I have done,” says a Nurture Teacher at a Glasgow school. She shares the key benefits of the Story Massage Programme for her nurture children.
Highlighting the Work of Eight Inspirational Story Massage Practitioners
This blog recognises the work of eight amazing practitioners who are sharing the benefits of positive, respectful touch with children and adults.
Story Massage for Siblings at a Children’s Hospice
Centre of Excellence awarded to St Christopher’s Children’s Hospice for using the programme within a safe space where families can enjoy relaxation and comfort.
Functional Reflex Therapy and Story Massage in Zambia
Lorraine Senior, founder of Functional Reflex Therapy (FRT), explains how she shared Story Massage in Zambia as part of her FRT Global Project working with three schools in Zambia.
Story Massage Success at Networking Meetings
As part of National Massage Day, Jayne Burke explains how sharing a massage story can break down barriers at networking events and conferences.
Benefits of Story Massage for Children with PMLD
The Story Massage Programme can have a positive impact not only for a child with PMLD, but for the whole family by strengthening bonds, bringing comfort and making stories more meaningful.