We review Joanna Grace’s thought-provoking and inspiring new book Multiple Multisensory Rooms – Myth Busting the Magic.
Story Massage Programme blog
Comfort for Japanese Children after the Tsunami
The Story Massage Programme was first shared as a way of bringing comfort and positive touch for Japanese children in the aftermath of the 2011 tsunami.
Parental Partnership at Shotts Family Learning Centre
Centre of Excellence awarded to Shotts Family Learning Centre for using the Story Massage Programme as part of parental partnership.
Story Massage Programme for Self-Regulation and Self-Esteem
Centre of Excellence awarded to Access School, Ty Gwyn Special School and Department of Inclusive Learning, Hertford Regional College for best practice.
Story Massage Practitioners Making a Difference
Our Best Practice Award recognises the achievements of individuals using the Story Massage Programme with children and/or adults. Congratulations!
Introducing the Story Massage Programme to Families at School
Thinking of running an Introduction to the Story Massage Programme Workshop for parents/carers at school? Here’s a six step plan for a successful event.
Using Story Massage for School Homework
Our guest blogger is 6 year old Erin who used the Story Massage Programme for her school homework project on light. Her teacher was very impressed.
Creative Children’s Yoga Workshop
“Story Massage is an excellent addition to my children’s yoga workshops,” says Clare Gendy, a Yoga Instructor who is trained in the Story Massage Programme.
Story Massage Programme in Vietnam
Wondering about working with teenagers? Considering working abroad? Find out about how a Story Massage instructor has introduced Story Massage to girls in a foster home in Vietnam.